Projektberichte, Publikationen, Daten
Van Tiel, M., Weiler, M., Freudiger, D., Moretti, G., Kohn, I., Gerlinger, K., & Stahl, K. (2023): Melting alpine water towers aggravate downstream low flows: A stress-test storyline approach. Earth's Future, 11, e2022EF003408.
Van Tiel, M., Weiler, M., Freudiger, D., Moretti, G., Kohn, I., Gerlinger, K., & Stahl, K. (2023): Stress-test storyline simulations of the Rhine basin: Streamflow and streamflow components. Research Data.
Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G., Van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., et al. (2023): Hydrological model simulations of the Rhine basin and its tributaries: Streamflow and streamflow components. Research Data.
Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert, J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G. (2022): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Abflussanteile aus Regen, Schnee und Gletscherschmelze im Rhein und seinen Zuflüssen. Synthesebericht. KHR Bericht Nr. I-28. Internationale Kommission für die Hydrologie des Rheingebietes (KHR), Lelystad.
Stahl, K., Weiler, M., van Tiel, M., Kohn, I., Hänsler, A., Freudiger, D., Seibert, J., Gerlinger, K., Moretti, G. (2022): Impact of climate change on the rain, snow and glacier melt components of streamflow of the river Rhine and its tributaries. CHR report no. I 28. International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine basin (CHR), Lelystad.
Van Tiel M., Freudiger D., Kohn I, Seibert J., Weiler M, and Stahl K. (2022): Hydrological modelling of the glacierized headwater catchments in the Rhine Basin. Technical Report of the ASG-II project: Impact of climate change on the rain, snow and glacier melt components of streamflow of the river Rhine and its tributaries. Freiburg HydroNotes, 7, University of Freiburg. doi:10.6094/UNIFR/226492
Van Tiel, M., Freudiger, D., Kohn, I., Seibert, J., Weiler, M., & Stahl, K. (2022a): Hydrological modelling of the glacierized headwater catchments in the Rhine basin: Streamflow, streamflow components and glacier area model simulations. Research Data.
Van Tiel M, Freudiger D, Kohn I, Weiler M, Seibert J, Stahl K (2021): Glacier melt contribution to streamflow during extremely dry summers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5299,
Stahl K, van Tiel M, Moore RD (2021): Peak water in observed glacier-fed streamflow time series, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13065,
Freudiger D, Vis M, Seibert J (2021): Quantifying the contributions to discharge of snow and glacier melt. Hydro-CH2018 project. Commissioned by the Federal Office for the Environement (FOEN), Bern, Switzerland.
Freudiger D, Kohn I, Stahl K, Weiler M, Seibert J(2020): What is the contribution of snow and glacier to discharge in Swiss alpine headwater catchments under climate change?, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18192,
Meyer J, Kohn I, Stahl K, Hakala K, Seibert J, Cannon AJ (2019): Effects of univariate and multivariate bias correction on hydrological impact projections in alpine catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion 23: 1339–1354.
Weiler M, Seibert J, Stahl K (2018): Magic components—why quantifying rain, snowmelt, and icemelt in river discharge is not easy. Hydrological Processes 32 (1): 160–166.
Freudiger D, Mennekes D, Seibert J, and Weiler M (2018): Historical glacier outlines from digitized topographic maps of the Swiss Alps. Earth System Science Data 10(2): 805–814.
Seibert J, Vis MJP, Kohn I, Weiler M, and Stahl K (2018): Technical note: Representing glacier geometry changes in a semi-distributed hydrological model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22: 2211–2224.
Freudiger D, Kohn I, Seibert J, Stahl K, and Weiler M (2017): Snow redistribution for the hydrological modeling of alpine catchments. WIREs Water 2017, e1232. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1232
Stahl K, Kohn I, Böhm M, Freudiger D, Gerlinger K, Seibert J, and Weiler M (2017): Veränderungen der Abflusskomponenten aus Schnee- und Gletscherschmelze in Niedrigwassersituationen am Rhein. Tag der Hydrologie 2017, Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung Heft 38.17: 217–226. doi: 10.14617/for.hydrol.wasbew.38.17
Stahl K, Weiler M, Freudiger D, Kohn I, Seibert J, Vis M, Gerlinger K, Böhm M (2017): The snow and glacier melt components of the streamflow of the River Rhine and its tributaries considering the influence of climate change. Final report to the International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine basin (CHR). English version, March 2017.
Freudiger D, Frielingsdorf B, Stahl K, Steinbrich A, Weiler M, Griessinger N, Seibert J (2016): Das Potential meteorologischer Rasterdatensätze für die Modellierung der Schneedecke alpiner Einzugsgebiete. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 60(6): 353–367. doi: 10.5675/HyWa_2016,6_1
Stahl K, Weiler M, Kohn I, Freudiger D, Seibert J, Vis M, Gerlinger K, Böhm M (2016): Abflussanteile aus Schnee- und Gletscherschmelze im Rhein und seinen Zufüssen vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels – Synthesebericht. KHR Bericht CHR I-25 2017. Internationale Kommission für die Hydrologie des Rheingebiets (CHR/KHR), Lelystad.
Stahl K, Weiler M, Kohn I, Freudiger D, Seibert J, Vis M, Gerlinger K, Böhm M (2016): The snow and glacier melt components of streamflow of the river Rhine and its tributaries considering the influence of climate change – Synthesis report. CHR/KHR report CHR I-25 2017. International Commission of the Hydrology for the Hydrology of the Rhine basin (CHR/KHR), Lelystad.
Stahl K, Weiler M, Freudiger D, Kohn I, Seibert J, Vis M, Gerlinger K, Böhm M (2016): Abflussanteile aus Schnee- und Gletscherschmelze im Rhein und seinen Zuflüssen vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels. Abschlussbericht an die Internationale Kommission für die Hydrologie des Rheingebietes (KHR). Überarbeitete Endfassung Dezember 2016.
Finger D, Vis M, Huss M, Seibert J (2015): The value of model complexity versus multiple data types for improving the performance of hydrological models in mountain catchments, Water Resources Research 51, 1939–1958. doi: 10.1002/2014WR015712